Reel Spool Daiwa Emeraldas X LT 2020
  • Reel Spool Daiwa Emeraldas X LT 2020
  • Reel Spool Daiwa Emeraldas X LT 2020

Daiwa Reel Spool Daiwa Emeraldas X LT 2020

Unavailable at the moment


Replacement spool for the Emeraldas X LT 2020 spinning reel from Daiwa.

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Combinations Reference Size Price Quantity
Reel Spool Daiwa Emeraldas X LT 2020

Reference : Q672601

Size : 2500 SH


2500 SH

Reel Spool Daiwa Emeraldas X LT 2020

Reference : Q673201

Size : 3000 SH


3000 SH



Find the reels for the from the brand Daiwain addition to or instead of the one supplied with the reel.

Ideal for giving a second use to your favourite reel.


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