The ultimate guide to choosing the right reel for Tenya fishing

quel moulinet de pêche au tenya

Tenya fishing has become a very popular technique for sea fishing enthusiasts, particularly for those targeting predatory fish such as bass and bream, but also many other more or less popular species.

With the growth of this method and the many types of reel available on the market, it can be difficult to know which model, which large family, best suits your needs.

To help you make the right choice, we've put together a comprehensive guide to the different criteria to consider when buying a reel specifically for Tenya fishing.

Understanding the Tenya fishing technique

Before looking at the characteristics of reels suitable for Tenya fishing, let's take a brief look at what this method involves. Tenya fishing is a technique that originated in Japan and has won over anglers thanks to its effectiveness and simplicity.

It involves using a special rig consisting of a weight head and a paddle under which a bait is attached, usually a small octopus, a piece of fish or a shrimp. The aim is to present a bait that is naturally carried along by the currents, attracting the carnivorous fish that are on the lookout.

This type of presentation inevitably means having to cope with currents of varying strength and being able to use weights of up to several dozen grams. This calls for solid reels.

Choosing the type of reel: spinning or baitcasting?

moulinet casting ou moulinet spinning pour tenya

The first criterion for selecting a reel for Tenya fishing concerns the type of reel. There are two main types: spinning reels and baitcasting reels.

Spinning reels

moulinet spinning pour la pêche au tenya
Spinning reels are the most commonly used for Tenya fishing. They are easy to handle and generally have a large line capacity. French anglers generally began their fishing apprenticeship with this type of reel. Their braking system is often very effective and easy to adjust, making it easy to master battles with powerful carnivorous fish.

Advantages :

  • Easy to use and learn
  • Good line capacity
  • High-performance braking system

Disadvantages :

  • Size and weight can be significant
  • You need both hands at all stages of use

A few examples:

Baitcasting Reels

moulinet casting pour la pêche au tenya
Less common, baitcasting reels offer a more technical, less familiar approach, but can also be very powerful.

Their magnetic or centrifugal braking system offers greater casting accuracy, which can be useful for reaching precise areas when fishing Tenya.

The principle of the spinning spool offers very interesting braking power, while not hurting the mechanics in place.

Advantages :

  • Precise casting
  • Excellent drag control
  • Can be used one-handed


  • More technical to handle
  • Line capacity generally lower than spinning models

A few examples:

The power of the reel

The power of a reel refers to its ability to resist and fight fish. It is mainly linked to the reel's braking system and the solidity of the frame. For Tenya fishing, a medium-powered reel is generally sufficient, although heavy weights may require models with more metal than a light reel.

However, if you are targeting particularly powerful predators, it may be worth opting for a higher-powered model.

Line capacity

To fish with Tenya in the best possible conditions, you need to have sufficient line capacity. As this technique is used at sea, it sometimes requires casting at great distances and depths.

So make sure you choose a reel that can handle the amount of line you need. Don't hesitate to choose a reel with 250 to 300m of line at braid to be sure of its capacity.

The ratio and line retrieve

The ratio of a reel is the ratio between the number of crank turns made and the length of line retrieved during each turn. For Tenya fishing, a medium ratio (around 5:1) is generally recommended to provide a good balance between retrieve speed and pulling power when fighting a fish.

Bear in mind that the slower the ratio, the more powerful your reel will be and the longer it will last.

Reel weight and size

Tenya fishing can be practised for long hours, so it's essential to opt for a reel that will balance your outfit well to avoid fatigue. Spinning reels are generally larger than baitcasting models, but lightweight, compact options exist in each category that still provide enough resistance for the toughest battles.

Tosum up, to choose the right reel for Tenya fishing, take into account: the type of reel (spinning or baitcasting), power, line capacity, ratio and line retrieve, as well as the weight and size of the equipment. By taking these criteria into account, you'll be able to make the most of your Tenya fishing sessions and land the beautiful predators that populate our seas!

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