Spinning Spoon Mepps Aglia Tandem Perch
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It's hard to talk about fishing spoons without mentioning Mepps spoons. Created in 1938 by André Meulnart, Mepps continues to hold a special place in the tackle box of many anglers. Whether you're fishing for trout or pike, Mepps spoons are still a staple of lure fishing.
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Trout are fish that feed on many different living creatures: larvae, insects, gammarids and fish. The Mepps spinners imitate a small fish swimming or even running away. As with pike, this behaviour heightens their aggression and predatory instinct.
The Mepps spinners are easy to use, and when cast back with a few pauses, they will prove decisive with many predators.
Their fluttering action generates numerous vibrations and flashes of light that are easily spotted by predators lurking nearby.
Lusox spoons, particularly popular for pike fishing, have proven their effectiveness time and time again, with a staggering number of pike falling under their spell. As for Aglia or Comet spoons, the same goes for trout.
Increasingly used for trout and pike fishing, Mepps wobbling spoons provide a totally different vibration to spinning spoons. As their name suggests, wobbling spoons undulate in the water. Although they can be reeled in line, they prove formidable when bounced on the bottom.
Perch, pike, pike-perch, trout... you name it! Although less well known, wobbling spoons are no exception to the rule Mepps are no exception to the rule. The Syclops wobbling spoon already has a large number of victims to its name, and stands out when the spinning spoon is less popular.