Jerkbait, a fantastic lure for pike

The Jerkbait is a hard bait model designed for pike fishing. It originated in Northern Europe and is extremely effective when worked correctly.

It generally has a recognisable shape with no lip. You'll generally find fairly large hooks for stalking pike and smaller models for perch or trout.

To get the most out of your technique, you'll need a hook specially designed for jerks rod specially designed for jerks. It should be fairly short and have a relatively stiff action.

Generally speaking, you'll find jerks between 1m80 and 2m in length, with power ranging from 30-40g to over 150g. You'll need to equip it with a solid reel and a line that can easily exceed 30/100.

The technique involves casting your lure. Then wait for it to sink from the surface to the bottom, so you can choose your swimming depth carefully. Some models even offer a sort of rolling action during this phase.

There are several lure densities to choose from: floating, suspending or sinking. Then all you have to do is point your lure downwards, reel while making sideways movements with your tip.

The hard bait will then start to move one stroke to the right and one to the left, an action that should soon have you saying fish.

How to use it and when?

Lee Jerk or Jerkbait is a lure from the lipless family. This means it has no lip. It is therefore essential to animate it to make it attractive to the fish you are after.

Its use is quite variable. It can be used in both hot and cold weather. The retrieve speed will be the adjustment variable to make it as effective as possible.

Even though it was originally designed for stalking northern pike in the huge lakes of northern Europe, this lure is an all-rounder. It is just as likely to be successful on small fish such as perch and trout as it is on larger fish.

To get the most out of jerks, you need the right rod line. Short and stiff, it should be able to transmit your forearm strikes without latency. Your hard bait will start a dance, one stroke to the right, one stroke to the left.

Once you've mastered this animation, you can have fun varying it. You can increase the number of pauses, fit floating models or make your lure do half-turns.

With the tip still down, you're sure to arouse the interest and even the aggression of the predators lurking around. You'll regularly get hits, and sometimes flinches that you won't forget.

Which to choose from the wide choice on offer?

First you need to target the fish you want to capture. Master Esox will lure with models that can exceed 100g, but perch will require models of different colours that are much smaller and more compact.

The quality of the line and hooks will also need to be considered. The stalking of marine predators, in France as in exotic fishing, is fairly widespread. Using trebles that are not suited to your conditions could lead to the loss of a dream fish and many regrets.

While we're on the subject of saltwater, you might as well find out whether you have an integral frame. This information can also save you some great photos to show your fishing friends.

Colours are also very important. They can play an essential role in a fish's decision to attack. Remember that the colours seen by your target are more likely to be on the belly of the lure than on the back.

Finish is another aspect. Solidity is important not only for catching fish but also for the lure's lifespan. These lures are regularly used and can quickly lose quality.

The density of the lure is perhaps the last important point. This will enable you to fish certain layers of water with greater or lesser ease. The surface can be targeted with a floating lure. On the other hand, a sinking model will target the lower parts and a suspending model the middle parts.

What are the most popular Jerkbaits?

With the creation of this lure coming from Northern Europe, it was only natural that they should have mastered their art perfectly. And this is demonstrated by the successful lures that are used by anglers who know a thing or two about their passion.

We have to start with the Buster Jerk. This lure was the flagship model in a film about the sport, which ended up democratising it. It has become an ultra-popular model, and its effectiveness is clear to see.

At 15cm long and in hundreds of colours, you'll find something to suit every taste, from the boldest to the most natural. The CWC Strike Pro brand has also developed a 12cm Buster II and a 10cm Baby Buster.

The Westin brand is not to be outdone with its Swim, which comes in several sizes and densities. Its shape will be quite different from the others. This is a deliberate move on the part of the Danish brand, as this lure is one of the few that swims on its own, without any action whatsoever.

This means it can be used with all types of combos, without the need for any specific measurements. An opportunity for all anglers who don't want to multiply the number of sets at the water's edge.

Salmo will not be outdone by its slider, which also comes in several sizes. Its wooden construction and different action make it stand out from the crowd.

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